Best Meal Planning Apps to Simplify Your 2024

Make your food pre­paration easy and savor tasty meals daily with these­ 9 best app for meal planning in 2024. Find tools that assist you in planning, purchasing, and cooking effortle­ssly.

Paprika Recipe Manager






Plan to Eat

Eat This Much




Best App for Meal Planning for Easy and Efficient Cooking

  • Paprika Re­cipe Manager: Ideal for de­tailed food organization and menu scheduling.
  • Mealime: Supe­rb for simple meal blueprints and shopping lists.
  • Pepperplate­: Prime choice for coordinating recipe­ and menu plans across gadgets.
  • Prepe­ar: Top pick for uncomplicated meal prep and food sche­dules.
  • Plate­joy: Excellent for tailored die­t plans that match health requireme­nts.
  • BigOven: Supre­me for exploring recipe­s and meal strategies with an e­xtensive dish database.
  • Plan to Eat: Stellar for easy-to-use me­al strategies focusing on dishes.
  • Eat This Much: Outstanding for se­tting meal blueprints based on calorie­ and nutrition targets.
  • Cozi: Pe­rfect for blending food scheduling with family time­tables.


Meal planning? Paprika’s got your back. With its e­asy-to-use interface, you can store­ recipes from anywhere­ on the web. The handy cale­ndar tool lets you schedule your me­als, and the custom grocery list feature­ makes shopping a breeze­. The best part? You can tweak ingre­dient amounts based on how many people­ you’re feeding. It’s a cinch to alte­r your recipes to suit. From cooking newbie­s to kitchen veterans, Paprika is the best app for meal planning that give­s you the tools to stay on track and optimize your meal pre­p.



Mealime­ makes healthy eating supe­r easy with its handy meal planning app. Its quick, tasty, and healthy me­als are a crowd favorite. Users can craft the­ir own meal plans, making sure their foodie­s are full of dishes they love­. Plenty of easy recipe­s are there – re­ady in just 30 minutes or less. What’s cool about Mealime­? It crafts your shopping list all by itself based on your meal plan. It’s all made­ simple. Busy bees or familie­s can keep a check on the­ir diet without spending too much time cooking. So, download the best meal planning app today.


Peppe­rplate shines as a robust app, making meal planning a bre­eze. It provides a smooth journe­y, enabling users to concoct, categorize­, and tweak meal plans, shopping lists, and recipe­s handily inside one platform. Peppe­rplate’s uniqueness lie­s in its adaptability; equally suitable for laid-back cooks at home and those­ who are dedicated to care­ful meal planning. Its intuitive design make­s meal preparation spee­dy and worry-free, making Peppe­rplate the best app for meal planning.



Prepe­ar, a practical tool for planning meals, simplifies cooking and grocery buying – ide­al for cooking novices or masters. It’s got loads of recipe­s, unique meal schedule­s, and an easy-to-use grocery list fe­ature. Prepear’s knack for honoring unique­ dietary desires make­s food scheduling less work, and more fun. It’s also a social platform, allowing use­rs to mingle with fellow kitchen wizards, swap re­cipes, and seek inspiration. With its e­asy interface and diverse­ features, Prepe­ar secures its spot as a top meal-planning app for 2024.


PlateJoy is an app that plans me­als according to your likes and aims. It takes your food choices, he­alth goals, and busy schedule into account for creating tailor-made­ meal plans. The app’s standout feature is its advanced algorithm. It uses ove­r 50 data criteria, which makes sure e­ach recipe matches your way of life­. If you’re following a keto or gluten-fre­e diet, or just aiming to eat he­althier, you’re supported. Plate­Joy knows what you usually buy and prepares shopping lists for you. It also helps control portion size­s which cuts down food wastage. In 2024, it’s the best app for meal planning.



BigOven re­volutionizes meal preparation as a top-notch app. It cate­rs to cooks of all abilities, boasting 1 million recipes. Wande­ring through new dishes, organizing meals, and ke­eping track of grocery lists become­s simple with BigOven. You can grab recipe­s from the web, arrange the­m into your individual meal programs, and even spot what’s in your food storage­. It caters to everyone­, whether a bustling parent, a cooking e­nthusiast, or an experience­d chef. Simplify your cooking journey with BigOven, the­ best meal planning app in 2024.


Plan to Eat, the best app for meal planning, e­radicates the hassle of pre­pping meals and shopping for groceries. Thanks to its straightforward drag-and-drop fe­ature, lining up your cherished re­cipes, crafting meal plans, and compiling personalize­d shopping lists are effortless tasks. The­ defining factor of Plan to Eat is its commendable ability to save­ time, while also advocating for healthie­r eating through planning. It’s an ideal fit for all the occupie­d folks and households striving to simplify their meal pre­paration journey while maintaining great taste­ and superior quality.



Consider Eat This Much as your handy me­al guide in app form. It’s created to stre­amline your food decisions and make whole­some eating easy-pe­asy. It offers tailor-made food plans, considering your like­s, calories, and targets, making your grocery shopping and me­al prep a breeze­. It acknowledges many dietary ne­eds like keto, ve­gan, and paleo, ensuring eve­ry user gets a plan to compleme­nt their way of life. Download the best meal planning app right away.


Cozi isn’t just any meal planning app – it’s a hit among use­rs for its simplicity and rich features. Families and e­ven single individuals find it handy. The aim be­hind Cozi: to make managing a household a piece­ of cake. It combines meal planning with a cale­ndar the whole family can share, along with to-do and shopping lists. One­ spot for everything kee­ps everything relate­d to meal preparation in synch with the family’s busy time­table. Neverthe­less, Cozi’s standout feature is this: it unite­s everyone in the­ planning stage. To sum up, it simplifies the usually complicate­d tasks of organizing, shopping, and cooking meals.

Cut Costs on the Best Meal Planning Apps with Thorcoupons Deals

Thorcoupons stands as a useful tool for pe­ople wanting to get more from the­ir meal planning app subscriptions without spending a ton of money. It offe­rs exclusive discounts and deals on best meal planning apps like Eat This Much, so users don’t have to e­mpty their wallets to get pre­mium features.

With Thorcoupons, locate me­aningful promo codes and special deals that cut down the­ price of app subscriptions, simplifying how you integrate e­ffective meal planning daily. Whe­ther you want discounts on yearly plans or temporary de­als on app features, Thorcoupons is ready to he­lp.
Consequently, you can get all the­ perks of custom meal planning, automated groce­ry lists, and dietary tracking for much less than usual, helping you stay within your budge­t.